And, Michael Pillsbury, thank you very much. And, Susan Pillsbury, thank you very much. And you’ve been saying some fantastic things about China and about us. And we have a good partnership. This is going to be something that’s going to be very special. We’re going to talk about it in a second.
Michael Pillsbury, a China scholar at the Hudson Institute who advises Mr. Trump, said that Mr. Trump’s campaign advisers have realized that the president’s supporters are less concerned about China’s record of human rights abuses or fears that it is an existential threat and more interested in having greater access to its market.
Their “Hundred-Year Marathon” (Michael Pillsbury’s expression) to replace America as the global superpower is happily coming unglued as the economy staggers under Trump’s America First foreign policy initiatives.
Michael Pillsbury, a China scholar at the Hudson Institute who advises the Trump administration, said translating the text of the agreement has been complicated because the United States wants to ensure that the commitments are legally binding rather than just statements of what China’s intends.
In the Pentagon, of course, and in the Trump administration generally, this has been fueled by the great popularity of the Hudson Institute's Michael Pillsbury's book, The Hundred Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as The Global Superpower.