Pillsbury (who, by the way, advises the White House including the president himself) thinks the clash is intensifying because President Trump’s China scepticism is disrupting the Chinese plan. They see his talk of restoring America’s greatness as an affront to their own dreams.
Michael Pillsbury, an adviser to Trump on China issues, said in September that if the trade talks failed the president could increase the tariffs on Chinese goods to “50 per cent or 100 per cent”.
Pillsbury is one of the most influential American thinkers on US-China relations. The book is more than a call to recognise reality: it is a call to arms. On one central point Mr Pillsbury is certainly right: China’s rise is the great political event of our times. Getting the response right is crucial. It is so easy to get it wrong. Today, I fear, the US is getting it frighteningly wrong.
Proposals to restrict capital flows within and outside mainland China were also outlined in a circulated memo on the plan, which was drafted by the informal White House adviser Michael Pillsbury.
What’s an interesting book/article you’re reading now or finished? And why? “I am reading Michael Pillsbury’s book on China called ‘The Hundred-Year Marathon.’ It is a very good explanation of China’s aspirations over the long term and how the U.S.-China relations fit in.”
Michael Pillsbury, author of “The Hundred Year Marathon” and Hudson Institute China expert who advises the Trump administration, has described how Beijing employs the classic Chinese military strategy of “use your enemy’s forces against him” to gain the upper hand in trade talks.
But there’s more. Michael Pillsbury, author of "The Hundred Year Marathon" and Hudson Institute China expert who advises the Trump administration, has described how Beijing employs the classic Chinese military strategy of “use your enemy’s forces against him” to gain the upper hand.