Michael Pillsbury, a China expert who advised the Trump administration on China. The tone seems to be different. Now China is not just equal to us, they are superior,” said Mr. Pillsbury. He said the U.S. needs to find more leverage over China.
Michael Pillsbury’s “The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower” (2015) described a multigenerational effort by Beijing to overtake the United States.
For example, Michael Pillsbury, the leading authority on China according to former US president Donald Trump, believes the size of China’s economy will be triple that of the US by 2049 and that China will turn the US into a colony.
It was later revealed that in the summer of 1973 Michael Pillsbury of the RAND Corporation had already been conducting secret talks with Chinese military officers stationed under diplomatic cover at China’s United Nations mission in New York.