“There is a difference between an ambiguous stage-by-stage tariff reduction agreement versus a specific list of which tariffs will be with withdrawn for what Chinese actions,” said Michael Pillsbury, a China scholar at the Hudson Institute who advises the White House. “Neither the Chinese nor the White House has developed a specific list or a series of quid pro quo — yet. That is the next task.”
Michael Pillsbury, a Hudson Institute expert who advises the Trump administration, said he believed the statement from China’s Commerce Ministry “may represent wishful thinking on the Chinese side more than a specific agreement.”
Michael Pillsbury, o responsável por desenhar a estratégia dos Estados Unidos em relação à China, e classificado por Trump como "a principal autoridade" no que toca às opções quanto à nação asiática, avisa que "as guerras comerciais podem agravar-se" e "as tarifas podem ser colocadas em níveis muito mais elevados".